Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Life Doesn't Make Mistakes

Few things can wear on the physical and mental being more than stress and worryThey creep slyly into our heads, root themselves with clawed nails, and slowly start devouring our peace of mind. But look deeply into the heart of these persuasive creatures, and you will find that their argument holds no water.
Often times we stress about events that are out of our control,  yet we make futile attempts to try and seize control. When we inevitably fail, this can cause us to spiral into greater stress. If we were to step back for a minute and look at the larger picture we could see that the event was out of our control from the very beginning, and there was no action we could take that could change the outcome. When something is out of our control, worrying about it is both pointless and futile. Worrying will not effect the outcome.
On the other hand, to stress about something that is within our control also is senseless. If there is something under our concern that we have the ability to effect, then act. To stress or to worry will not change anything, only action will. So take the necessary action.
Trust that everything in life is as it is meant to be. Life never makes a mistake, and unfolds as it should every time. 

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